All Are Important
In early June of this year, I was able to spend 10 days in Vancouver with Billy Cheung, WEC’s (Worldwide Evangelization for Christ) missionary to Ghana from Hong Kong. I first met Billy in 2012 in Ghana and since that time we have developed a close friendship as servants in Christ. Over the years, CIM has partnered with WEC in Ghana. In fact, it was WEC that introduced Ghana to CIM and invited us to do cross-cultural ministries in that country.
During our stay in Vancouver, we reconnected with CIM staff and Board of Directors in person, visited with many pastors, mission committees, and had various speaking opportunities. Billy also shared at the Richmond Chinese Evangelical Free Church’s missions conference. At one of the workshops, he stated that as followers of Jesus Christ, we are all missionaries. We are either a Sender, a Goer, a Mobiliser or a Welcomer. Or we could be a combination of all of the above. The key is in determining which group we belong in and to maximize our gifts to further the kingdom of God.
It is not new concept, but it was a great reminder. Steve Shadrach, campus minister for over 45 years, founder of Student Mobilization, and a leader at Center for Mission Mobilization describes the categories in this way.
The Goers are the front-line warriors. In a sense, as Christians, we are all goers, as the Bible clearly states that we are to “go and make disciples of all nations.” At CIM, we have been actively doing that. For all the STMers that have traveled overseas with us, you are a goer. More recently, in 2020, we sent our first International Worker, Janice Wong, to Ghana. She has been instrumental for our ministries especially during the Co-vid 19 pandemic as she was able to oversee our ministries in Ghana when we could not travel there in person. Hopefully we will be able to send teams overseas again shortly and that many of you can join as goers on the front-line.
The Senders are those who send. These are the people who want to travel overseas but for whatever reason, they cannot at this point and time of their life. These are the people who supports those who goes through prayer, finances, and encouragement to those who do go. Because of the Covid pandemic, we have all been senders, because over the last two years, travel restrictions have limited what we can do overseas. The invasion of Ukraine has also affected our visits to the Roma community there, but we have seen a tremendous outpouring of prayer and financial aid to those on the front-line. At CIM, we are senders as we distribute aid to Ukraine, and Lord willing, be able to visit in person soon.
The Welcomers are the ministers of hospitality. Our partners overseas are our Welcomers. When we send teams, we depend on our partners to assist us in things like accommodations, scheduling, and so on. Our partners in Ukraine, the House of Mercy, has been very welcoming to the many refugees that migrated through their area. Currently they are making more than 2000 meals per day for refugees and providing places of shelter through their facilities, local churches, and even their own homes. They are also holding 2 church services a day to share the gospel where many have come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
We also can be welcomers. We do not have to travel overseas to do this. Our western countries have become “melting pots” for many cultures from around the world. With pandemic restrictions slowly being lifted, our campuses will once again be full of international students. At last count, over 12 million refugees have fled Ukraine; many settling in Western nations. We can be welcomers wherever we are.
And finally, the Mobilisers are strategic motivators. This is a very important category because without them, there would be no goers. There are the people that form missions committees, plan missions conferences, recruit people to pray, organize short- and long-term missions trips, and encourage others to go. At CIM, we are continually motivating people to do missions. We are actively looking for volunteers and people who will pray for us. Many of the people who have joined our STM teams have come back more committed for the Lord and started serving on their local church missions or deacon boards. Some have gone on the be pastors, and even full-time international workers.
We are currently looking for volunteers
As followers of Jesus Christ, we are all on missions. Which one of these categories to be belong to? Or is it a combination of more than one category?
All are important. Follow the call of Jesus Christ and impact the world for Him.
Rev. Isaac Quan
July Financials
1. General Fund - for general and administrative purposes, such as staff salaries
2. Designated Fund - for specific ministries in different field locations as designated (cannot be transferred between funds)
*All financial figures are in Canadian dollars and rounded to the nearest dollar
Pray With Us
Pray for CIM USA as they are still searching for an executive director after Christine PI retired. They are also recruiting for a Director of Ministry to oversee STM and daily operations.
Pray for peace in Ukraine and for safety for partners at House of Mercy. The Russian invasion continues. Though it is not the top story in the news anymore, countless lives are still being lost every day. Praise God that many refugees are coming to the Lord through the work of House of Mercy.
Inflation, the depreciation of the Ghana cedi, and added government fees are severely affecting the lives of the pastors and teachers that we support. Please pray that they will be able to make a living and also support their families.
Pray for our International worker Janice as her mother-in-law passed away recently in Ghana.