Short Term Missions Trips
In following the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations, we welcome followers of Jesus Christ from all backgrounds to join us on this journey.
Each year, CIM Canada sends a few teams of short-term missionaries to support the Evangelical Church of Ghana (ECG), Eglise de la Grace en Christ (EGCT) in Togo and House of Mercy Foundation in Ukraine with local ministries. Although these trips are short term, our continual partnership has created long-term relationship with the locals.
In partnering with the local church, our hope is to encourage people to return to church and to share the gospel message with people who have not heard it before. By the grace of God, many have confessed their sins and accepted Jesus as the Lord and Saviour through these interactions! People are amazed that foreigners have come such a long distance to tell them the Good News. Not only does this connect interested individuals to the church, but it is a great encouragement for the local pastors as well.
Finally, we go on short term missions (STMs) to learn from our brothers and sisters in Ghana, Togo and Ukraine. We go there not necessarily because we "have" something to give/help them with, but because we can enrich each other's lives as we share the Lord's blessings and lessons with one another. Many would testify that they have received more from our counterparts than they themselves have offered by going on a missions trip. A major part in what we could "offer" is to watch and learn — to absorb and to listen. After, we hope you can share their stories with your friends and family and to encourage them to participate in this ministry.
每年,加拿大CIM都會差派幾隊短期宣教團隊,到達迦納的福音派教會(ECG),多哥的Eglise de la Grace en Christ(EGC)和烏克蘭的恩慈之家, 支持他們推動福音事工。儘管這些旅程是短暫,但我們不斷的與當地人夥伴合作,早與他們建立了一份持久的關係。
我們與當地教會合作,鼓勵當地信徒返回教堂,並向從未聽過福音的人分享福音訊息。藉着上主的恩典,許多人聽到福音見証,經歷到聖靈的感動,就承認了自己的罪過,接受主耶穌作為救主! 當地人得知短宣隊走這麼長的路,專程來向他們分享好訊息,往往感到驚訝。這不僅使有興趣的人與教會聯繫起來,對當地的牧師, 信徒也是極大的鼓勵。
終於,我們走上短期宣教(STM)的旅程, 向迦納,多哥和烏克蘭的弟兄姐妹學習。我們去不一定是因為我們“有”甚麽可以給予/幫助他們,而是因為當我們彼此分享主的祝福和教導時,我們也同時豐富了彼此的生命。許多短宣隊員都可以見證,他們從短宣當地所獲得的比他們以為能夠做或能夠給的更多。
Frequently Asked Questions
What do short term missionaries do?
CIM is involved in ministries mainly in rural villages throughout central and northern Ghana, Togo and Ukraine. Short term missionaries play a vital role in our ministry. The activities short term missionaries are involved in include:
- Church planting and evangelizing through visitations
- Presenting the Gospel message
- Sharing our testimonies - door to door, at church services, and in clinics and hospitals
- Organizing children and youth programs
- Serving in three village schools where we help train Christian teachers and spread the gospel through various means like Vacation Bible School. Read more about the Village School Project here. All activities involve a high level of interaction with the locals in the marginalized areas of the country.
Where do teams travel?
We send STM teams to rural Ghana, Togo, or Ukraine.
Who can join an STM?
Individual Requirements
A Christian over the age of 16, who...
- Is a born-again believer through Jesus with a heart to serve people and the Lord.
- Is willing to commit to short-term cross-cultural ministries in partnership with local church groups to carry out the various ministries as stipulated in our "About Us" and “Current Partnerships” pages.
- Is professionally trained in any one of the following areas and able to communicate in English: education, medical, computer, accounting, business management, pre-school education and teaching English. (It will be ideal to possess professional qualification in the areas of ministries we have in Africa and Europe, but it is not a must.)
- Is willing to support our ministry in finance and prayer.
- Has a valid passport and is able to acquire a visa for the destination country.
- Is in reasonably good health and up to date on vaccinations. Please note that dependent on the country you are going to, there will be different vaccination requirements.
If the participant is under 16, parental consent is required.
The ideal team size is 5-6 people. If your church is not sending a team, it is no problem. Many people apply individually. In this case, once the application process is completed, we will try and place the individual onto a team comprised of others that do not have a church to go with or to add them to a church team with fewer members. Thus, the members need not be from the same city or country.
What will be the language used to communicate with the locals?
English is the official language of Ghana, Ukrainian in Ukraine and French in Togo. However, since most of our STM teams are visiting the rural areas in these countries, we rely on local Christians or pastors to help translate our messages into the local dialects from English (Ghana and Ukraine) or French (Togo).
When are teams sent out?
We do not follow a fixed schedule; instead, we form teams based on availability and as-needed basis with our partners. Depending on the ministries you will be involved in, we can accommodate most times during the year. However, due to the high interest of STM teams, especially during the summer months, it is advisable to complete your application form at least half a year before travel.
We require a minimum of 2 weeks of stay in the missions field for all our short-term missions trips in order to make these trips effective for their intended purposes.
An STM to rural villages in Ghana requires at least 2 days travel one way (one entire day to fly to the capital of Accra and then at least an additional day to travel to the villages). In essence, that is at least 4 days of travel for one STM trip.
How much does the trip cost?
Approximately $4000, including transportation, accomodations, food, vaccinations and visa.
The final cost will fluctuate according to airfare prices.
How do I sign up?
We're so glad you have a heart for cross-cultural ministries! Please send us a message along with some information about yourself and we'll be in touch shortly.