A Simple Hello
My name is Tomson Chan and I have been serving on the CIM Canada board for the last few years. I would like to share with you my story and how the Lord led me into missions.
Shortly after I was born, I became very ill. My family was worried that I would not make it past my first birthday. Spurred by their belief in Buddhism and traditions in ancestor worship, my parents brought me to the nearby temple and dedicated me to the temple god in hopes that I would survive. Hence, every year afterwards, my family brought me back to the temple and paid tributes (food and incense) to the temple god, thanking it for the blessing of another year of my life. This carried on until I became a teenager. The smell and smoke of the incense burning are still vivid in my mind.
In 1981, tragedy struck my family. My mother passed away suddenly after a long difficult struggle with various health problems. This event was like an epic tsunami that knocked everyone out in my family: my grandma, father, two younger brothers and myself. We were all devastated. I cried often at night and longed to see my mother again in my dreams. My life was changed – I became bitter and hated God for what happened to my family.
With much sorrow and despair in my heart, I left home with two suitcases and came to Canada as a young adult to fulfill my mother’s wish for me to study abroad. My family was not well off and my father worked very hard and poured in everything to support my studies. I am grateful for his sacrifice.
Some time after I arrived in Canada, the Lord Jesus rescued me and turned my life around through Christian friends in the Vancouver New Life Lutheran Church.
God’s provisions are truly amazing! He has blessed me with a loving wife (Lisa) and two amazing daughters (Esther and Lillian). My life’s path has been full of God’s protection, provision and presence. I can boast in nothing but give all glory to God for His mercy and grace.
Tomson’s family photo
In the past, God has provided me with many opportunities to serve Him through different capacities in churches like SCCEFC and in various cross-cultural mission ventures. All these trips and encounters opened my eyes to global missions and taught me about the humility in serving the poor and needy. Each of the interactions etched a new and deeper meaning of missions in my heart…
One of my early mission encounters in Ukraine serving in a ministry for street children.
A 2004 visit to Eastern Europe planted the mission seed in our family.
Roma family visitation in Ukraine.
Roma camp visitation.
A kitchen of the poverty-stricken in Ukraine.
I am excited to serve together with the CIM Canada staff and board members. 2020 has stretched my faith in many ways. What I used to think was important became irrelevant. Contrarily, the things I took for granted have now become important. During this time of struggle, I have learned that it is ok not to be ok. Despite all these, our God is still in control. He is our refuge and protector. Let us turn our eyes upon Jesus. I look forward to 2021. I pray and hope that it will be a blessed year for all of you.
Jesus said in Matthew 28:19-20: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Tomson Chan
Chairperson of the Board
CIM Canada
December Financials
As a result of the 2020 “Be a Blessing” fundraiser, there was a fund transfer of $58,550.00 from general fund to missions fund.
1. General Fund - for general and administrative purposes, such as staff salaries
2. Designated Fund - for specific ministries in different field locations as designated (cannot be transferred between funds)
*All financial figures are in Canadian dollars and rounded to the nearest dollar
Pray with us:
Pray for the ministries of CIM, not only in Ghana, Togo, and to the Roma people group, but also for the ministries in South Africa, Brazil, and Cambodia through our CIM family in the USA, Australia, and Hong Kong.
Praise God that close to $60, 000 was raised for our oversea ministries during our "Be A Blessing" Christmas Fundraiser. This money will be used to help pay salaries for church planters and village school teachers in Ghana, Togo, and to Roma pastors in Ukraine. Please continue to pray for donations to fund our work in Canada.
Praise God that the borehole project in Bimbilla, Ghana is nearing completion. Pray that the rest of the project will go smoothly.
Pray for God’s continued guidance and direction in 2021 as we serve Him in a COVID and post-COVID world. Pray for healing for those that have been affected by the pandemic whether physically, spiritually, and financially.
Pray for the new leaders on our board for 2021:
Chairperson: Tomson Chan
Vice-chair: Pastor Karen Wong
Treasurer: Rev. Morgan Wong
Secretary: Candace WongPray for healing for the following staff members: Siu Lui Ho and Ann Lee.