Community Outreach

Evangelical Church of Ghana members all across the country participated in a week of intentional community evangelism this month. Here in Nyankpala, we had a few church members from Tamale join us for our evangelism outreach to our neighbors. We met with several of our children’s families who participate in the after school classes on the church compound, along with local tailors and small business owners sharing the message of Jesus and the assurance of salvation through our trust in Him. Most of our friends are very receptive in learning about Jesus’ teachings, as most of them believe Him as a prophet and good teacher of God’s ways, but they find it difficult accepting that Jesus is also the Son of God and the Messiah. Nevertheless, we remain encouraged and steadfast in our duty as Christ followers to do our part in sharing and testifying all that Christ has done for our lives. We desire everyone to know and experience the personal relationship we enjoy with God, but we trust the Spirit to turn their hearts in a way that no human can do. The following Sunday, we had one newcomer attend church service. Pray for our continued follow-up and care for her and her young family.


Happy New Year!


October Highlights